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[GUI Developclipboard和 其他

Description: clipboard 一个剪贴板实例 AdoClass 一个ado封装类,更方便 ColourSel 颜色选择的下拉框 gridctrl 经典的grid控件 combo_colo 一个颜色选择的combo控件-clipboard a clipboard example AdoClass a ado Packaging category, more convenient ColourSel choice of colors drop-down box gridctrl classic grid control combo_colo a choice of colors combo controls
Platform: | Size: 1663251 | Author: 李理 | Hits:


Description: 一个不错的Grid组件,其中dtxfull要用到该组件。及其要缩包下的ado.* 解压密码:www.easyde.net-a good Grid components, which dtxfull use of the components. Dare packet and the ado .* unpacked Password : www.easyde.net
Platform: | Size: 471360 | Author: 魏存庆 | Hits:


Description: 很好一套库存管理,可惜是英文版但绝对是好东西,认真学习,你会学到很多ADO,grid的东西,报表水晶报表8.0以上-a good inventory management, but it is a pity that the English version is definitely something good, conscientious study, you will learn a lot ADO, grid things, statements crystal statements above 8.0
Platform: | Size: 547201 | Author: 小强 | Hits:


Description: 一个不错的Grid组件,其中dtxfull要用到该组件。及其要缩包下的ado.*
Platform: | Size: 553807 | Author: cheng | Hits:

[GUI Developeditgrid

Description: 可以编辑的网格控件edit Grid控件,使用FlexGrid实现,可以编辑单元格,并连接ADo-can edit Grid Grid Control edit controls, the use of FlexGrid realized, can edit cells, and connecting ADo
Platform: | Size: 287888 | Author: 霏霏马 | Hits:


Description: MSDN上的ADO例子,近来看了好几个,最后还是觉得这个比较经典,上传一份-MSDN ADO example, recently read a few, but finally feel that the more classical and upload a
Platform: | Size: 249856 | Author: 王斌 | Hits:

[Database systemAccessADO

Description: vc中利用ado访问Access文件(包含tree,datagrid控件)-vc use ado visit Access document (containing tree, datagrid control)
Platform: | Size: 241664 | Author: 雷伟 | Hits:


Description: 很好一套库存管理,可惜是英文版但绝对是好东西,认真学习,你会学到很多ADO,grid的东西,报表水晶报表8.0以上-a good inventory management, but it is a pity that the English version is definitely something good, conscientious study, you will learn a lot ADO, grid things, statements crystal statements above 8.0
Platform: | Size: 546816 | Author: 小强 | Hits:

[GUI Developeditgrid

Description: 可以编辑的网格控件edit Grid控件,使用FlexGrid实现,可以编辑单元格,并连接ADo-can edit Grid Grid Control edit controls, the use of FlexGrid realized, can edit cells, and connecting ADo
Platform: | Size: 287744 | Author: 霏霏马 | Hits:


Description: 这个东西包括了ADO数据库访问方式,GRIDCTRL控件的使用。特别适合数据库开发者。-this thing, including the ADO database access, the use GRIDCTRL controls. Particularly suitable for database developers.
Platform: | Size: 3780608 | Author: 江天右 | Hits:

[GUI DevelopADO_Grid表格平台

Description: 1 这是我用VC做的电子表格平台,可实现对窗口表格视图和其背景数据库的若干基本操作。 (a动态创建新表, b在表中添加、删除行、列, c打开、保存、另存表格, d制作了一个属性对话框来修改表格的基本属性,如行数、列数、标题等) 用户可通过视图上操作改变背景数据库 2 数据库操作采用ADO, 背景数据库采用Access 视图采用单文档界面和CGridCtrl控件 3 本软件在运行时,在debug文件夹中要考入“资料”的access文件,否则出错 4 请版主批评指正,谢谢 westlife04@Tom.com-This is a VC do I use electronic forms platform, to achieve the View window forms the background and some of the basic database operations. (Dynamic creation of a new table, b, in the table to add, delete rows and columns, c open, preservation, separate forms, d produced a dialog box to change attributes form the basic attributes, such as the number of firms are few, Heading etc.) users can view on the background change operation two databases using ADO database operation, background View Access database using a single interface and documentation controls three CGridCtrl software Win And when the debug folder to be admitted to "information" access to the documents, Otherwise, please moderator four errors criticism correction, thank westlife04@Tom.com
Platform: | Size: 355328 | Author: 湖朝 | Hits:


Description: 一个不错的Grid组件,其中dtxfull要用到该组件。及其要缩包下的ado.* 解压密码:www.easyde.net-a good Grid components, which dtxfull use of the components. Dare packet and the ado .* unpacked Password : www.easyde.net
Platform: | Size: 471040 | Author: 魏存庆 | Hits:

[Database system2005102309215526103

Description: ADO -- 派生一个 DBGrid 控件,只需要传给一个记录集对象,支持任意类型。可以很方便地用到各种程序中去-ADO-- derived a DBGrid controls need only pass a record set targets, support arbitrary types. It is easy to apply to all proceedings
Platform: | Size: 71680 | Author: 嘎嘎 | Hits:


Description: 绑定MFC GridCtrl控件到数据库,采用ADO的访问方式-bundled MFC GridCtrl control to the database, using ADO Access
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 陈建军 | Hits:


Description: vc操作数据库中的数据,常采用的方式是ado+datagrid,datagrid在vs2003/2005环境中,资料很难找. 希望这份资料对用户有用.-vc operating data in the database, often used approach is ado+ datagrid, datagrid in vs2003/2005 environment, information was hard to find. hope that this information useful to users.
Platform: | Size: 1598464 | Author: 赵佳宝 | Hits:


Description: Visual C++对数据库的支持 MFC 的ODBC编程过程 ODBC数据表更新 MFC的ODBC类 显示记录总数和当前记录号 编 辑 记 录 字 段 操 作 多 表 处 理 使用MSFlexGrid控件 RemoteData和DBGrid控件 使用ADO操作数据库-Visual C++ Database support MFC s ODBC programming ODBC data tables updated MFC s ODBC type shows the total number of records and current records of its field operations to edit records deal with the use of multi-table MSFlexGrid control RemoteData and DBGrid control to operate the database using ADO
Platform: | Size: 397312 | Author: 马刚 | Hits:

[SQL ServerADODBGrid

Description: ADO -- 派生一个简单的 DBGrid 控件,如果LISTCTRL不能实现要的功能的话可以用这个-ADO- derived a simple DBGrid control, if not to the function of LISTCTRL then can use this
Platform: | Size: 75776 | Author: wangshujun | Hits:


Description: ado he datagrid 空间的使用,对初学者有很多帮助-ado he datagrid space usage, has a lot of help for beginners
Platform: | Size: 2315264 | Author: 梁晶学 | Hits:


Description: 给程序为VC++数据库ADO编程,用控件datagrid实现表记录的显示,修改等功能-To the procedures for VC++ Database ADO programming with datagrid control to achieve the display of table records, modify the functions of
Platform: | Size: 4825088 | Author: sundance | Hits:


Description: 使用ADO技术访问数据库。同时使用自定义栅格控件显示数据列表,演示如何在VC++中定制GUI对象。-Access the database using ADO technology. At the same time, the use of custom data grid shows a list of controls, demonstrate how VC++ in the custom GUI objects.
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: lxq | Hits:
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